Its an awesome idea,man will have time for family and friends while artificial mind such as the robot will take care of the stressful and tiring work load...
Der menschliche Verstand hat Sympathie, Liebe, Gefühle, Zuneigung, Freude und so weiter, aber künstlicher Verstand wie ein Roboter kann gefährlich sein
Open Neural Intelligence Operations Network… ONION 😂
Artificial intelligence should be used to a limit and not crossing big boundaries
It will ensure man longevity and good health
Once artificial mind takes over,human minds will become dull and useless
Contribute to intelligence 👍
I think man is the greatest and machines trying to replace them is wired
Totalmente cableado
It will reduce much stress from man
My fucking point
Sí, pero el hombre es supremo
Figuring it out
I don't think its a good idea
Idea loca
Its an awesome idea,man will have time for family and friends while artificial mind such as the robot will take care of the stressful and tiring work load...
Don't figure it out,its very simple...
I think when the programmers are doing a much job without evil in their hearts,we will have good artificial minds
Artificial intelligence are programed by human mind,so I believe it isn't cool to take away certain skills from man
Hell no...human mind is incredible
Both are very incredible but man benefits more from artificial mind
No me siento cómodo con eso
indeciso perché entrambi sono fantastici
Amo la mente artificiale (Robot) rende la vita facile
Robot shouldn't take all man's duties...its crazy
Pensando cómo el robot se hará cargo de mi esposa
우리 나라에서는 로봇과 같은 인공 정신이 가장 성공적이고 무해한 의료 수술을 수행합니다.
Искусственный разум очень дорог, и я считаю, что его никогда не следует переоценивать.
Blöde Idee ... Der Roboter wird eines Tages versuchen, meine Frau zu übernehmen
Der menschliche Verstand hat Sympathie, Liebe, Gefühle, Zuneigung, Freude und so weiter, aber künstlicher Verstand wie ein Roboter kann gefährlich sein
L'esprit humain a des sentiments et de l'amour qui font bouger le monde, mais un esprit artificiel est limité à la programmation
I think both should be balanced and human mind superior
It should never be encouraged
I think with the good guidance of human mind,Artificial mind such as a robot will be programmed to do exploits 😊